hello everyone. I have a few items for all to know . First, it is with a sad heart I am informing you that one of our scuba divers, DOUG LUKE, passed away Monday. He will be missed by all who knew him. For those that are interested in attending, there will be a memorial service Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 11 am at the Methodist Church in Clyde. I believe the address is 84 Sodus St. Secondly, on a much brighter note, congratulations to Joe Ruffalo & Katlyn Lockwood who exchanged vows last Friday and are now Mr. & Mrs. Thirdly, we need to get together and decide where we want to spend our remaining funds of $893.73 on a party celebration and what to do with the equipment the crew owns. We could possibly meet at my house unless someone else has a better suggestion. PLEASE respond to me as to when you all are available to meet and make our decisions. We should to do this real soon. I was going to wait until the newlyweds returned home before sending out this e-blast BUT I knew you would like to know of Doug's passing. Maybe I will see most of you at the memorial service. Thanks JIM WILCK
the vote from the last announcement was to disband our group. There is $326.98 in individual accounts that belong to those 6 people who put it in there. Please contact Jim if you think you are one of them and we can get the money to you. That leaves $893.73 in the general fund that needs to be dispersed in some manner , along with the equipment. It was suggested that we get together and have a dinner or farewell party using the $ we have left. I thought that was a great idea, especially since everything is in the process of being unpandemiced (how's that for a new word). What do you all think of that and if we do get together -- where and when? please reply back with suggestions ASAP so we can take care the funds at hand. Thank you and take care, JIM
IF YOU HAVEN'T REPLIED YET PLEASE DO SO NOW, THANK YOU! Hello fellow divers and diverettes. I have a question for everyone. Do we want to continue with our scuba group? We have funds in our account totaling about $850 in the general fund. That is the crews. There are a few people that have $ in their individual accounts also. I have those figures if you want to know if you have any. We need to decide what to do with the cash if we disband altogether. And I need to find out from the church if we can keep the account if we continue forward. Please call me in the next couple of days and let me know what you would like to do- Both with the group and $. Hope all is going well with everyone. Talk with you soon. Jim wilck 315-576-6292
the only response I got was from Dave Carr from up north. He says he and his wife went diving there and it was good diving with plenty of barracuda, some sharks, plenty of shipwecks inculuding a German sub from WW II. THANKS DAVE Are we still planning on making plans to go??? or do we wait due to the current world situation??? what does everyone want to do ??? we need people's input, so please respond!!!!!
from our last meeting (the 2 that attended, plus the 1 that knew he would not be there) we decided to possibly go to the Outer Banks of the Carolina's in late July, August, or early September. We wanted everyone that was interested in going to make the April meeting BUT NOW THE CORONAVIRUS HAS INVADED!!!! So we really can't have a regular meeting, per say -- I figured that I would invite everyone to reply back to this eblast (it will come back to me since the account is regitered in my email address) with thoughts on what and how we should proceed going forward with this years diving excursion, if we want to or not, along with anything pertinant to our little club getting together, etc., etc., etc. I will put everything that people reply with into next weeks eblast so all can see the info SO THERE IS NO MEETING WED NITE AT THE CHURCH -- IT WILL BE A VIRTUAL REPLY MEETING so, please everyone that reads this eblast write a reply back with your thoughts and comments by Friday night so I can compile them Saturday for the eblast on Sunday. Happy diving thoughts to all.
It was decided at our last meeting just to continue on as a diving crew without being affiliated with scouting. Our next meeting will be in March when we will start planning for our main dive for the summer.So you have a good 3 months to think about where we would like to go for diving. Research any thoughts of dive locations and bring the info to the March meeting. If you have anything to share with the group let me know and I will eblast it out for everyone. Have an enjoyable holiday season. Jim